Hi! I’m a paper-mache artist based in Durham, NC. I make quirky home decor wall sculptures. Familiar Dolls started in 2020 with cat dolls. I was finishing up some sewing projects and realized just how much scrap fabric I had. Wanting to use the scraps for good (cat dolls) instead of evil (landfills), I decided to use some of my scrap fabrics to make dolls. So I drafted my own patterns, designed some clothes, and started whipping up some cats.
My husband will only let me have so many real feline friends, so I thought this would be a good way to expand my collection while not adding additional litter boxes to the house. Delightfully and unexpectedly, the internet liked my cat dolls! Then in 2023 I took a trip to Puerto Rico where I saw some beautiful Vejigante masks made out of paper-mache and I was reminded how much I loved paper-mache art projects when I was in school and decided to try it. I wanted to make paper-mache animal heads for walls as I have many animal heads in my own house made from various materials and am a huge fan of lots of wall art. I became instantly hooked on making what I dubbed “wall dolls” and now have a wonderful time making original and custom creations.
When not making dolls or sculptures, I’m a family and brand photographer over at Carolyn Scott Photography. I also enjoy sewing other things (quilts and clothes), painting, playing piano and ukulele, accidentally killing houseplants because I overwater them, watching movies, hanging out with my real-life cats and husband, celebrating Halloween all year, and obsessively rearranging furniture in the house.
If you’re interested in seeing my old work, all of my paper-mache work is displayed on my Sold Out page. I make a lot of customs, so if there aren’t a lot of things presently in the shop, the Sold Out page has likely been updated with some fun custom things you may have missed! All of my old cat dolls can still be seen on my old Instagram account. I no longer update or check Instagram as I’ve left social media, but I promise my business is still very much open and I’m still creating, and you can reach me here!
I’m so happy you’re here and interested in my art. I hope it brings you as much joy as it brings me.